
Forest Worker’s Day 2018

Almost every profitable family has someone who works in the forest industry. Therefore, the Day of the Forest Worker can be called a family holiday. That is why we celebrate it with its inherent scope and hospitality.

Original street lighting

The central and park zone in the center of the village acquires a special color. Benefit with the onset of twilight. The original street lighting adds a special charm to the local reliefs against the backdrop of the Carpathian Mountains. The project on lighting the territories was implemented thanks to the coordinated work of local…

Observation tower

To enjoy the scenery at the foot of the Carpathians you need to look at our land from a bird’s eye view. Charitable Foundation “Vyhodsky Krai” together with local authorities gave such an opportunity to tourists by creating an observation tower in the central part of the village. Vyhoda Wonderful landscapes of the Carpathian place…

Benefit Day – 2017

September calls everyone to Vyhoda to celebrate Village Day and Forest Workers Day together. The organization of a large-scale celebration with celebrations, cultural program, entertainment, sports competitions, fairs, awards and prizes required proper training and financial support. The Vyhodsky Krai Charitable Foundation has taken on some of the local authorities’ efforts to ensure that everyone…

Bridge of Lovers

Love is one of the brightest feelings. It is a source of a combination of two sympathies, kindred spirits, a deep attraction between the desired people. In artistic language, it is an emotional bridge between two hearts. As a symbol of the union of hearts in love in the village. Vyhoda implemented a project to…

Arrangement of a village well

The well in the center of Vyhoda has served its residents since the time when there was no centralized water supply in the village. But although the benefits of civilization made life easier for the locals, the well remained a source of clean water and continued to serve the people. The idea of equipping the…

Payment details of the fund

You can help in any way convenient for you. To transfer in UAH to PrivatBank card: MasterCard 5169 3305 1966 8435 VISA / MasterCard 3D Secure, LiqPay, GooglePay, >>> PayPal:  bf.vyhodskyikrai@gmail.com *The sender needs to select the “private” payment option (According to restrictions on the work of PayPal in Ukraine) Bank details for crediting funds within Ukraine Raiffeisen Bank JSC, MFI 380805IBAN…