
August 20 – International Homeless Animals Day

Every year on the third Saturday of August, the world celebrates the International Day of Homeless Animals, which was started in 1992 by the initiative of the non-governmental organization – the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) and with the support of animal protection organizations of more than 150 countries of the world on 6 continents.
On this day, we want to draw society’s attention to the problems of homeless animals and to convey to the maximum number of people information about the tragic fate of animals found on the street.
Abandoned and lost dogs and cats, as well as those animals born on the streets are the main source of origin of homeless animals. For these animals, the surrounding world is full of dangers and threats, and – “We may not be able to save everyone we would like to, but we will save many more than those who did not even try” (P. Scott).
We are trying, and with your help, we still manage to do something – at least once a month, at the expense of the Foundation, we purchase and transfer approximately one ton of fodder to shelters and war-affected areas. We have set ourselves the task of not only feeding the animals, but also improving their living conditions, so we are currently actively working on the construction of the Animal Sterilization Center, which also provides a place for keeping about 100 animals.
During the war, the number of abandoned dogs and cats increased significantly, no budget is able to finance such projects, so we appeal to everyone who cares to help those we call younger friends.

Details here: https://vyhodskyikrai.com/contacts/

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