
Letter of thanks from Kharkiv

“Health is more precious than gold” – William Shakespeare’s statement has been repeated around the world for five centuries and it will always be true. It is especially vulnerable when it comes to a child’s health. In m. Kharkiv for children who have lost parental care or who have a certain type of disease operates KNP “Regional Clinical Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Palliative Care for Children” Hippocrates “. Since the beginning of the war, the center remains operational, despite the fact that the situation in the city is extremely difficult.
We found an opportunity to purchase and transport humanitarian aid to the Kharkiv Center and thus, within our capabilities, help and support the children and staff of the center.
Today, the deputy director of the center, Ms. Tatiana Chub, received a letter of thanks and photos of their students. Seeing joy in children’s smiles is something you want to continue working for.

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