
We strengthen the bridge of victory with actions

We never stop thinking about our defenders. That is why we find ways and opportunities to help and support them. This week, the Foundation purchased helmets for our military brigades. The gift from Maryana Darvay Trinok was very generous and timely. She gave helmets and T-shirts for our Heroes. We had already sent them to the front line.

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Recent events of the fund

Світлана Ябчаник

We will help to disorient the enemy

РЕБ, придбаний нашим Фондом, вже в умілих руках українських захисників. Раді, що можемо допомогти, бо кожен з нас якщо не

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Світлана Ябчаник

Our next help

The 2 TV sets purchased by the Charitable Foundation “Vygodsky Krai” for the military have already been delivered to the

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