
Volunteer hive

The warehouse is like a beehive, and the volunteers are like bees – sorting, stacking, packing. We et ready 177 food kits and more than 3 tons of 700 kg of food products for the children of IDP families who moved to the territory of Hrushiv community in the Dnipro region, fleeing the horrors of war, as well as for local children who find themselves in tough living conditions.
Thanks to the “East Europe” Foundation and with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Ukraine, combining all efforts, overcoming trials, we are doing everything necessary at this time, so that every Ukrainian child and every family feels supported.

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Recent events of the fund

Світлана Ябчаник

Our next help

The 2 TV sets purchased by the Charitable Foundation “Vygodsky Krai” for the military have already been delivered to the

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