History of the Vyhodsky Krai Charitable Foundation
Vyhodsky Krai Charitable Foundation (hereinafter – the Foundation) was established in 2008 as a non-governmental, non-profit organization uniting legal entities and individuals to carry out charitable activities in the Vyhoda and Dolyna territorial communities of Ivano-Frankivsk region.
Our mission is to connect those who want to help with those who need help; this is the development of social investment in the lives of local communities.
The main goals and objectives of the Fund are:
- promoting the level of social protection and material security of communities;
- support for the implementation of state and non-state charitable programs and projects aimed at achieving the objectives of the Fund, as well as their development and funding;
- participation in the work of the network of charitable and non-profit organizations;
- assistance in attracting funds, material and technical and other resources from sponsors and patrons to carry out charitable activities of the Foundation;
- carrying out charitable activities of the Foundation;
- performing other tasks provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Charity and Charitable Organizations”.
During its activity the Foundation has implemented a number of important social projects and programs on the territory of Vyhoda village council by uniting the efforts of local enterprises, local businesses, and not indifferent socially active residents. Particular attention is paid to projects in the field of culture and art, cultural heritage protection, ecology and environmental protection, sports and physical culture, territorial development and international cooperation, the implementation of which is insufficiently funded from state or local budgets.
Fund management bodies
Universal Limited Liability Company
Uniplit Limited Liability Company.The General Meeting is the highest governing body of the Fund
The Supervisory Board is a control and audit body. The task of the Supervisory Board is to resolve issues related to the distribution of the Fund’s funds and control over their intended use.
Director – Liliana Pengrin. Organizes the work of the Fund, implements the decisions of the General Meeting and informs about the progress of their implementation