
A gift for tailed friends

Hugging or petting a fluffy cat rubbing at your feet or a dog happily wagging its tail – you get joy and satisfaction, a feeling of selfless love and joy. Our smaller friends are dependent on us – people, so we are obliged to take care of them round the clock. Now we have tough times for both: people and animals. Animals are left and are practically doomed to die without our support and help. In order to feed them and help people who organized shelters for cats and dogs or sheltered them in their homes, our Foundation have purchased 3 tons of animal food. Soon we will deliver it to the eastern regions of the country to volunteers and people, who take care of four-legged friends.
Join us. Our mission is to help everyone in need.

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Recent events of the fund

Світлана Ябчаник

Our next help

The 2 TV sets purchased by the Charitable Foundation “Vygodsky Krai” for the military have already been delivered to the

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