
The road of life from west to east

Helping everyone in need is the mission of our Charitable Foundation. Today, BF “Vyhodskyi Kray” implements the project “The Road of Life from West to East” within the framework of the “Shelter” program together with the Eastern Europe Fund with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Ukraine.
The project provides assistance to IDPs in one of the communities of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, as well as to children and mothers undergoing treatment and rehabilitation at the Kharkiv Medical Center.
We have started the collection of commercial proposals for the purchase of goods provided by the project, which will last until September 23. Detailed information can be found at the link https://vyhodskyikrai.com/category/soczialni-proekti/
We expect that the trade establishments of our region will actively participate and join the noble mission of helping people who suffered as a result of the war with the Russian Federation.

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