
Let’s lend a helping hand

In the picturesque Carpathian region, among the mountains and valleys, the children’s town “Angel’s House” is being built, which will soon become a rehabilitation center for children. The authors of the project are our friends from the Charitable Foundation “You are an Angel”.
The Vyhodsky Krai Charitable Foundation, with the support of caring people, joined this important construction and handed over the cobblestones for the center.
In the near future, the House of Angels will host the rehabilitation of children from the eastern, central and southern regions of Ukraine affected by the war.

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Recent events of the fund

Світлана Ябчаник

We help

Our priority is to provide the military with supplies, because it is thanks to them that we work… and we

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Світлана Ябчаник

Our next help

The 2 TV sets purchased by the Charitable Foundation “Vygodsky Krai” for the military have already been delivered to the

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