
Benefit Day – 2017

September calls everyone to Vyhoda to celebrate Village Day and Forest Workers Day together.

The organization of a large-scale celebration with celebrations, cultural program, entertainment, sports competitions, fairs, awards and prizes required proper training and financial support.

The Vyhodsky Krai Charitable Foundation has taken on some of the local authorities’ efforts to ensure that everyone who visits Vyhoda is satisfied and spends the day with us in a good festive mood.

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Recent events of the fund

Світлана Ябчаник

We help

Our priority is to provide the military with supplies, because it is thanks to them that we work… and we

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Світлана Ябчаник

Our next help

The 2 TV sets purchased by the Charitable Foundation “Vygodsky Krai” for the military have already been delivered to the

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