
Author: Світлана Ябчаник

Tails under our care

Tails under our care. Cheerful “gaw” and waving tails are regarded as signs of gratitude. Our tailed friends are already eating dry food for dogs and cats, which our foundation sent to Kharkiv region last week. Since the beginning of the war, many animals have found themselves in difficult conditions. Volunteers in Kharkiv have set…

The Government has decided to abandon state regulation of fuel prices

As a result of the meeting of the representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the fuel market operators, an agreement was reached on the suspension of state regulation of fuel prices. The government hopes that this will allow companies to buy the necessary amount of gasoline and diesel abroad to meet the…

Situations are different

Recently, during the transportation of humanitarian aid for the Armed Forces brigade, the car of one of our colleagues, the founder of the Foundation, came under fire from racists. People and cargo survived, but the car was maimed. But our craftsmen quickly repaired it and handed it over to the gunners. Now our “beauty” will…

That boys and girls were full

The food purchased by the Foundation was happily delivered to Ukrainian defenders in the east. The military shares with the civilian population and supports them in every possible way. Meanwhile, we are already preparing the next batch of humanitarian aid and will soon send it to the people of Kharkiv region.Hold on, our relatives, we…

Let’s buy a used car – we will help the Armed Forces

Today, various vehicles at the front need no less than ammunition. And the Foundation’s team will make every effort to ensure that our courageous defenders are provided with transport. We will devote time, resources, forces and money to the help of the Armed Forces. These cars are already working on Victory. And we continue our…

Girl’s front

At the very frontlines, here and there, among the cooking, crafting masking nets, and behind the car’s wheel. Third time performing, our brave girls transporting ambulances provided by “Medical and charitable assistance France-Ukraine” for the whole of Ukraine.

Generators for the military

9 powerful and several portable generators are already in the service of our defenders. Thanks to our Polish colleagues from JOBON and well-established cooperation in the rear, the soldiers received help quickly and reliably. Together we will defend the land, together we will overcome the occupier.